Get Expert Counseling for First Responders' Mental Health located in Windham or All Of Maine Online

Get support from licensed therapists who understand the unique challenges of first responders. Our services include trauma therapy, individual and couples intensives, wellness checks, peer support team building, post-critical incident consultations, and workshops. Experience culturally competent care tailored to you and your family’s needs.

Our licensed therapists provide Behavioral Health Assistance Programs for first responders, their families, and emergency response organizations. 

Our culturally competent services include: trauma therapy, individual and couples intensives, wellness checks, peer support team building, post critical incident consultations, and workshops.

You Need To Prioritize Your Emotional Health As A First Responder

Maintaining your emotional health is crucial as an emergency responder. You don’t have to always put others’ needs before your own.

Taking time to focus on your emotional well-being and relationships isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. You deserve the same quality of care and support you provide to others. By prioritizing your mental health, you can continue to be there for those who rely on you.

first responders putting a man on a stretcher experiencing trauma

We'll Put Your Needs First & Give You Effective Mental Health Supprt

Seeking help can be challenging, especially for those accustomed to putting others first. Ignoring trauma, stress, or emotional distress can impact your life, work, and relationships.

Working with a trained mental health professional can help you:

We Use A Comprehensive Healing Approach

Since 2015, our team of experts has been dedicated to supporting first responders and emergency workers.

Recognizing that trauma and stress impact both mind and body, we integrate body-focused and talk therapies for a holistic healing experience, promoting quicker and longer-lasting relief.

Experience a complete level of healing with our personalized, evidence-based methods.

Our team of Licensed Counselors 

Sarah Mildrum, LCSW, ERPSCC for first responders

Sarah Mildrum, LCSW, ERPSCC

Sarah is the owner and CEO of Guiding Light Behavioral Health and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. 

As Maine’s first Emergency Responder and Public Safety Certified Clinician (ERPSCC), she is an expert and visionary in the field of prevention and treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Injury in first responders.

Sarah studied sociology and political science as an undergraduate at the University of New England where she found her passion for making an impact in the lives of others. She continued to study the complexities of our society at the UNE and earned her Master of Social Work degree in 2015.

As the wife of a firefighter, she quickly experienced both the positive and negative implications public safety careers have on individuals and their families. 

Sarah is also a mom, a native Mainer, a disc golf enthusiast, and a fan of all things outdoor recreation.

Trainings and Professional Credentials include:

Maria Moustrouphis, LCSW, LADC, LPN

Maria has extensive experience in the fields of nursing and addictions and brings added layers of wellness assistance to the team. 

She retired from her career as a VA clinician for the Army in 2020 and now spends her off time with her grandchildren, in a kayak, or in the crossfit gym!

She has been working with clients at Guiding Light Behavioral Health since 2023. 

Trainings and Professional Credentials include:

Maria Moustrouphis, LCSW, LADC, LPN for first responders
Heather Gaylor, LMSW-cc, CADC for first responders

Heather Gaylor, LMSW-cc, CADC

Heather brings over ten years of experience to the team. Her diverse experience includes child protective work, foster parent peer coaching, and medical social work.

She is also the wife of a law enforcement officer and a mom, bringing lived experience to the nuances of first responder family life. 

Heather knows the positive impact quality mental health services for first responders and their families can have on the family unit, the department and the community. She is passionate about empowering individuals to recognize their own strengths and skills.

She believes that everyone has the potential to thrive and lead a fulfilling life. 

When she’s not serving others at work, Heather enjoys being in nature, reading, and spending time with her family.

Trainings and Professional Credentials include:

Peter Corbett, Peer Support Specialist for first responders

Peter Corbett, Peer Support Specialist

Peter is a former Police Officer who worked in a Southern Maine city for 18 years.  In 2023, he medically retired from police work due to PTSD and Anxiety.  He has been open about his mental health struggles in police work and the lack of assistance with mental health in the first responder field.  He looks forward to helping others navigate the challenges that can come with seeking assistance. Most days you can find Peter cycling in many areas of Southern Maine. When not cycling, he enjoys trying new things, like open water swimming and kayaking.  Peter is married and has two sons.

Tony Pasquale, Peer Support Specialist

Tony has been a part of the Public Safety family for over 34 years and has worked in most facets of it. In his retirement he wants to help educate the next generation on the effects of cumulative trauma. He loves the outdoors and is also a Registered Maine Guide. He is happily married and has two daughters.

Tony Pasquale, Peer Support Specialist for first responders

You Aren't In This Alone, Guiding Light Behavorial Was Started To Support Your Specialized Needs.

You don’t have to do this alone. Our licensed experts are dedicated to helping you. Together, we’ll address your challenges and provide tools to build resilience and avoid Emergency Responder Exhaustion Syndrome.

Take the First Step to Healing

If your emotional health has been impacted by your job, don’t wait. Contact us today to start your journey toward healing and feeling more like yourself again now!  Located in Windham, ME and serving all of Maine Online.

Asking for help isn’t always easy, but therapy can help. Our licensed experts provide specialized services to meet your needs. Together, we will get to the root of your challenges and provide you with support and tools to build resilience and avoid Emergency Responder Exhaustion Syndrome.

If your behavioral health is being impacted by the things you hear, do, and see as part of your job, don’t wait — contact us so you can start to heal and feel more like you.