Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Windham, ME

Our licensed therapists in Maine provide confidential Post Critical Incident Consultations (PCIC) to first responders and emergency response workers that follow ICP best practices. We’re here for you — our Critical Incident Stress Debriefing will get you the support and insights you need following a critical incident.

Our licensed therapists in Maine provide confidential post critical incident consultations to first responders and emergency response workers that follow ICP best practices. We’re here for you — to help you debrief and get the support and insights you need following a critical incident.

You’ve experienced a critical incident. You deserve to understand your reactions to the event.

As a first responder or emergency response worker, you’re often in high-stress, dangerous, or demanding situations. You have developed ways of dealing with difficult shifts or events to help reduce your stress or blow steam. You may hang out with coworkers, talk with a spouse, take a walk, or journal.

But sometimes, an event happens that shakes you up more than usual. Maybe it’s a hard call involving a child, a fire that was out of control, or a life-altering injury to a coworker.

While you and your department do the best you can to deal with the aftermath — sometimes it’s just not enough.

You may be left wondering — are my reactions normal?

A woman writing on her notebook as part of the activities for Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Windham
a therapist comforting a female first responder during post critical incident consultation or Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Windham

Get the answers and support you need from trained mental health therapists for Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

Our licensed experts have professional and personal insights into how a critical incident can impact responders. We’ve worked with first responders and emergency response workers in Maine since 2015 and follow ICP best practices.

We provide a safe, judgment-free, and confidential space for you to express your reactions, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We help you process the event and explore your reactions, including whether you may benefit from therapeutic services to further support your well-being.

We work with you to:

How our Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Windham work

We provide individual PCICs for emergency responders, frontline workers, and first responders in Maine.

The 60-minute session is focused on helping you debrief following a critical incident and to explore whether therapy may be beneficial.

During consultations, we discuss your reactions to the event, including but not limited to your:

These sessions are not behavioral health therapy or treatment. No treatment or diagnoses will be provided or developed. They are not psychological or fit-for-duty evaluations. But they can help you better understand the therapy process and how it can support you.

PCICs are voluntary and take place at least 72 hours after the critical incident in keeping with ICP recommendations.

You don’t have to process your reactions on your own. Our experts are here to support you.

Our licensed therapists in Maine understand how critical incidents can impact responders. We can help you process, understand, and learn tools to help you following a critical incident. Because your emotional health and well-being matter.

Our licensed therapists in Maine understand how critical incidents can impact responders. We can help you process, understand, and learn tools to help you following a critical incident. Because your emotional health and well-being matter.