Empower Your Team with Tailored Wellness Solutions in Windham, ME

Enhance your first responders' resilience, stress management, and overall well-being through personalized wellness consultations. Our culturally aware wellness checks are designed to meet national best practices, ensuring your team receives the highest standard of care.

Improve your employees’ stress management, resilience, and quality of life with Wellness Consultations in Maine.

Our culturally competent Wellness Checks for first responders, emergency response workers, municipalities, and departments follow national best practice standards. Additionally, Sarah Mildrum, LCSW, is an Emergency Responder and Public Safety Certified Clinician.

Two first responders needing Wellness Checks in Maine

Take a proactive approach to your public safety employees’ emotional health and happiness.

First responders and public safety employees frequently encounter intense, high-stress situations—witnessing accidents, severe injuries, violence, and death.

Over time, these experiences can deeply affect their mental and emotional well-being, often without them realizing it. The cumulative impact can strain their health, relationships, and overall quality of life, yet many feel they must cope alone.

Empowering Your Team with Proactive Wellness Checks

Our proactive wellness checks provide your team with the insights and tools to manage stress effectively. 

These annual mental health check-ins empower your employees to maintain emotional resilience, improving their overall well-being and helping them recognize when they might need further support.

Annual Wellness Checks Are A Proactive Approach to Mental Health

Our culturally competent wellness consultations offer a confidential, 60-minute session designed to support your public safety employees. 

These consultations provide tools and strategies to help manage stress and trauma, fostering resilience and improving overall quality of life. During the session, employees can openly discuss behavioral health concerns, learn coping mechanisms, and explore ways to enhance their well-being.

Wellness Check vs Therapy

Wellness checks are distinct from traditional therapy or psychological evaluations. They are not designed to diagnose or treat mental health conditions, nor are they meant to assess an employee’s fitness for duty. Instead, these consultations focus on providing support and strategies for managing stress and enhancing well-being. 

There is no development of treatment plans or clinical diagnoses during these sessions, ensuring that they remain a non-judgmental space focused solely on empowering employees with the tools they need for resilience.

a fire fighter inside a First Responder Wellness Center in Windham

Benefits of Wellness Check-Ins for Your Maine Based Emergency Response Team

Ensure your emergency response workers receive the care they deserve from licensed mental health professionals who understand the unique challenges they face. With years of experience working with first responders in Maine, our culturally competent therapists follow national best practices. 

Led by Sarah Mildrum, LCSW, an Emergency Responder and Public Safety Certified Clinician, we offer a safe, confidential space where your team can openly discuss their experiences. Our sessions provide valuable insights, tools, and guidance to enhance emotional well-being and resilience, helping them thrive in their demanding roles.

Who can sign up for an annual mental health wellness consultation?

Public safety departments, municipalities, and individuals can contact us for a consultation.

The sessions are confidential and tailored to meet the client’s needs and specific situation.

Prioritize Your Emotional Well-Being with Annual Wellness Checks in Maine

Take a proactive step towards enhancing your quality of life. Schedule a confidential wellness consultation with our licensed therapists, who understand the unique challenges faced by public safety workers and emergency responders. Let us help you build resilience and maintain your well-being.

Our licensed therapists in Maine understand the impact and strain critical incidents and high stress can have on public safety employees and emergency responders. Our annual wellness consultations can provide insights and tools to help support and enhance public safety workers’ quality of life and well-being.